John McCain's Victory Speech

“When the pundits declared us finished, I told them, ‘I’m going to New Hampshire, where the voters don’t let you make their decision for them,'” McCain continued after a “Mac is Back” chant. “And when they asked, ‘How are you going to do it? You’re down in the polls. You don’t have the money.’ I answered, ‘I’m going to New Hampshire, and I’m going to tell people the truth.'”

Before McCain approached the podium to speak, his campaign played “Hail to the Chief,” although he entered to the theme from “Rocky.” After basking in the glow of the his win, McCain got down to business — telling voters exactly how he would act as their President.

Read it all.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, US Presidential Election 2008

7 comments on “John McCain's Victory Speech

  1. libraryjim says:

    The pundants declared him finished? Every article I’ve seen since Iowa was calling for McCain to be the next ‘Comeback Candidate’, and seemed to be rooting for his victory in NH.

  2. Scott K says:

    But several months ago, when he was out of money and firing his campaign staff, they declared him finished.

  3. Stuart Smith says:

    McCain won in 04 in NH…and won the next primary (Michigan, I believe), and then was vaporized in the South at S.C. Now, ’04 had an incumbent Pres. in the GOP race, and ’08 does not. Still and all, what chance does Mac have if Southerners (and perhaps Westerners, too) view him as a non-starter? Let’s see how he does in Kendall’s home state primary.

  4. The_Elves says:

    #3 I think you are quite mistaken. McCain did not run in 2004. GWB was unopposed by other GOP candidates. You ae correct however that McCain won NH and Michigan, but the year was 2000 when the GOP race was wide open and George Bush was only one candidate among many. –elfgirl

  5. Katherine says:

    McCain may end up hoist with his own petard. At this point, his campaign has little money. To continue to be competitive, he needs a lot of money. He could get it by accepting federal cash, per McCain-Feingold. But if he does so, his spending would be severely limited until the convention. This would leave the Democratic nominee with “primary” money to spend until convention time, and McCain, should he be the nominee, with severe restrictions.

  6. TonyinCNY says:

    Right now, Romney is leading all Republican candidates with 30 convention delegates including the 8 he picked up by winning the Wyoming caucuses. Huckabee has 21 and McCain has 10. 1,191 are needed to win the nomination, so we are a long way off.

    On the Democrat side, Hillary has 183, Obama 78 and Edwards 52 with the magic number for Dems being 2025. Also a long way off.

    Has anyone seen or heard these figures in television, radio or newspaper reports? How many people know that Romney is leading the Republican field? What I hear is how he is going to be knocked out of the race. Do people know that Hillary is leading the Democrats in delegates? I got these figures from but I don’t see them being reported.

  7. TonyinCNY says:

    btw, 87% of Hillary’s total right now is from Superdelegates (see below for description).

    “Superdelegates in the Democratic Party are typically members of the Democratic National Committee, elected officials like senators or governors, or party leaders. They do not have to indicate a candidate preference and do not have to compete for their position. If a superdelegate dies or is unable to participate at the convention, alternates do not replace that delegate, which would reduce the total delegates number and the “magic number” needed to clinch the nomination.”